The latest Clean Air Act New Source Review developments
The NSR Law Blog offers a unique look into the world of New Source Review, Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD), Nonattainment New Source Review (NNSR), Title V and other air permitting issues through the lens of environmental attorneys, consultants, and practitioners who work in this field daily. It offers insights to further your knowledge and advance your company’s or organization's goals. Each post is specific to the author and does not offer specific legal advice that should be relied upon without first speaking to the attorney author or host. Please contact our host firm, Hiser Joy, for more information.
If you have a PSD or NNSR case or document of interest, please feel free to forward to ehiser@NSRLaw.com and we would be pleased to consider discussing it here! Enjoy!
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NSR Law Blog is hosted by Hiser Burggraff Curtis, an Environmental Law Firm focused on permitting and compliance, administrative matters, litigation and appeals. HBC is a boutique firm designed to supplement in-house counsel, work side-by-side with facility staff and environmental consultants, and interface with local, state, and federal agencies. NSR Law Blog is an opportunity to showcase HBC and its guest bloggers' technical experience, share insight into the world of air permitting and regulation, and help arm your company or organization with information necessary to keep up with regulatory changes.
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